Foundation Ostasien-Institut
July 22, 1998 by means of Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale
Foundation goal:
Support of sciences and research in the at the East Asia Institute at Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
(by now: Institute Modern Japan), namely by provision of funds for personnel and material expenses
Board of trustees:
Hanspeter Sauter, Chairman
Prof. Dr. Ulrich von Alemann
Prof. Dr. Ulli Seegers
(as Dean)
Prof. Dr. Andrea von Hülsen-Esch

Institute Modern Japanese Studies (East Asia Institute)
With three chairs, one professorship, one DFG-funded Heisenberg position and over 600 students, the Institute of Modern Japanese studis is one of the largest Japanese Studies departments in Germany. In both research and teaching, they focus on modern Japan.
HHU website Institute Modern Japanes Studies Instituts (Link)