Selected GFFU videoclips

In this section, we present you several GFFU videoclips and presentations, which were created (also) as video. The videoclips are hosted by GFFU YouTube.
These are only some references,
-> please click here for the extended German version of this page

You want to see all GFFU YouTube clips?
All videoclips are links to the official, worldwide videoclips GFFU Youtube-channel - you will find even more videos over:

Directly to YOUTUBE: @gffu_dus


GFFU General impressions

Die GFFU in pictures - Slide show 2022
"Ken Burns style" videoclip about work, staff, projects and events of GFFU, content: 7 minutes, copyright: GFFU and HHU



GFFU event feature

GFFU: "Nacht der Wissenschaft" / Night of Science
Impressions of the - GFFU sponsored - "Night of Science" in Düsseldorf, the event around the Schadowplatz, September 9th, 2022. Content: 3 minutes,
copyright: GFFU


Events sponsored by GFFU

Filmfest Düsseldorf 2022: "20 years of Filmfest"
Trailer of the "Filmfest Düsseldorf" (Film Festival) for the event, sponsored by GFFU, in November 2022, content: 2 minutes.
Copyright: Filmfest Düsseldorf Marketing-Team